Worldwide Compensation & Benefits Benchmarking.

Worldwide Compensation & Benefits Benchmarking solution designed to evaluate the current standing of school in region or globally so that leadership team can make data informed decision. By comparing their compensation and benefits packages with other educational institutions, they gain valuable context and insights into their performance.

Benchmarking Analysis Benchmarking Analysis
Benchmarking Analysis
Benchmarking Analysis

Data Points on Compensation and Benefits

  • Head of School (Director, Superintendent)
  • Assistant/Deputy Head of School
  • Divisional Principal
  • Divisional Assistant Principal
  • Director of Curriculum (Teaching & Learning)
  • CFO (Director of Finance)
  • Business Officer
  • HR Director
  • Facilities Director
  • Security Director
  • IT Director
  • Director of Advancement (incl. Communications)
Benchmarking Analysis
  • Director of Admission
  • Director of Athletics
  • Faculty Mean Salary (Overseas hire)
  • BA Degree - 5 Year Total Experience
  • BA Degree - 10 Year Total Experience
  • BA Degree - 20 Year Total Experience
  • MA Degree - 5 Year Total Experience
  • MA Degree - 10 Year Total Experience
  • MA Degree - 20 Year Total Experience
  • Data is captured from participating schools annually via input tools in April/May.
  • It enables schools to adapt to changing market conditions and ensure they remain competitive in attracting and retaining the best educators and staff.
  • Schools can choose different filters, such as Year, Position, Type and School Name, to compare their compensation and benefits data with relevant peer institutions.
  • It provides you in dept analysis of your school Vs other schools.
  • It allows schools to track the trends of selected positions over time.
  • Schools can view a detailed breakdown of the benefits provided to employees. This includes health insurance, Bonuses, professional development opportunities, housing allowances, and other relevant perks.
Benchmarking Analysis

Similarly, provides benchmarking solution for Tuition fees and related details, Financial KPIs, Personnel,
Enrollment and Demographics, Assessment results

Benefits of Benchmarking Analysis

Benchmarking Analysis

Data-Informed Decision Making

Benchmarking provides schools with relevant data on compensation trends, industry standards, and best practices. This information enables the leadership team to make well-informed decisions about their compensation and benefits packages, ensuring they remain competitive and attractive to educators and staff.

Benchmarking Analysis

Identifying Competitiveness

Benchmarking allows schools to determine how competitive their compensation packages are in attracting and retaining talent. If the school's offerings fall below industry standards, adjustments can be made to improve their position in the job market.

Benchmarking Analysis

Understanding Strengths and Weaknesses

By comparing compensation and benefits with other schools, educational institutions can identify areas where they excel and areas where they might be falling behind. This information helps in setting priorities for improvement and investing resources where they will have the most impact.

Benchmarking Analysis

Retention and Employee Satisfaction

Schools with competitive compensation and benefits packages are more likely to retain their experienced and qualified educators and staff. High employee satisfaction leads to a positive work environment and can positively impact the overall quality of education provided to students.

Benchmarking Analysis

Enhanced Recruitment Efforts:

A comprehensive benchmarking analysis can help schools adjust their recruitment strategies to attract top talent. Knowing where they stand in the market allows them to tailor their recruitment efforts more effectively.

Benchmarking Analysis

Improving School Reputation

Schools that offer competitive compensation and benefits packages are more likely to develop a positive reputation within the education community. This can help in attracting not only educators and staff but also students and their parents.

Benchmarking Analysis

Employee Engagement and Performance

Satisfied and motivated employees are more engaged in their work and are likely to perform better, leading to improved educational outcomes for students.

Benchmarking Analysis

Negotiating Contracts and Union Relations

Benchmarking data can be useful during contract negotiations with teachers' unions or staff associations. It provides a basis for discussions and helps ensure that agreements are fair and competitive.

Benchmarking Analysis


Benchmarking data helps schools plan for the future by identifying potential challenges and areas for growth. It allows them to develop sustainable compensation and benefits strategies that align with their goals.

Benchmarking Analysis Benchmarking Analysis
  • It allows schools to track the trends of selected positions over time.
  • Schools can view a detailed breakdown of the benefits provided to employees. This includes health insurance, Bonuses, professional development opportunities, housing allowances, and other relevant perks.
Benchmarking Analysis